To our young people, families, educators, and all who share in the Salesian mission:
In these uncertain times, when recent actions and policies from our government have stirred fear, division, and confusion, particularly among our immigrant brothers and sisters, undocumented families, refugees, LGBT youth, women, and the poor, we stand together united in the spirit of our founder, St. John Bosco, with a message of unwavering solidarity. We offer not only compassion but hope.
As Salesians, we are called to, more than simply, respond to the challenges of the world. We are called to act in the name of the Gospel, affirming the God-given dignity of every person. We stand in solidarity with the marginalized, and to work tirelessly for a future of justice, peace, and freedom. Like Don Bosco, we are committed to creating a space of faith, hope, and love during challenging times.
To young people: You are the heart of this movement. Your voices, full of courage and conviction, are the catalyst for change. You are not only the leaders of tomorrow, you are the leaders of today. Let your dreams fuel the path forward, for a better, more compassionate world.
To families: You are the foundation of our Salesian mission. Know that you are never alone. The Salesian Family surrounds you with love, strength, and support, offering a community of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. We stand together, a family bound by faith and service.
To educators and mission partners: Your dedication transforms lives. Through your tireless work each day, we are building a society rooted in justice, belonging, and care for the common good.
This is not a time for silence or passive hope. It is a time for action. Our Salesian mission calls us to act with love and mercy, advocating for justice and standing with the oppressed. As a Salesian Family of Don Bosco, we commit to:
The challenges we face are significant but united in faith and action, we can overcome them. Let us move forward, inspired by St. John Bosco’s example, to build a future of justice, peace, and love.
Anchored in hope, we journey together -- bold, courageous, and with a shared sense of purpose.
Fr. Mel Trinidad, SDB
Salesians of Don Bosco – USA West