Those who make a report of child sexual abuse or have a complaint about the behavior of a Salesian priest, brother, or member in formation will be treated with loving kindness with an effort made to support healing.
If you or anyone you know suspects sexual misconduct by a member of the Salesian Society at any time, please contact Dr. Kimberlee DeRushia, Survivor Assistance Coordinator (SAC) for the Salesian Society at 209-701-0105. You are also urged to directly contact the appropriate law enforcement and childprotective
service agency in the area where the alleged abuse occurred.
The Salesian Society will report any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to law enforcement and/or Child-Protective Services.
Upon receipt of an allegation of sexual abuse involving a minor or vulnerable adult, the accused Salesian will immediately be suspended from public ministry and placed on temporary restrictions pending the outcome of internal and external (law enforcement/CPS) investigation(s).
The Salesian Society makes therapeutic services and pastoral support available to survivors.
The Salesian Society will conduct its own investigation into any allegation of sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult. If a criminal investigation or civil suit is initiated, the Salesian Society will wait for the criminal investigation and/or the civil suit to be completed. In the interim, however, any accused member of the
Salesian Society will be placed on a temporary restriction.
Upon completion of the internal investigation, the Salesian Review Board, an independent committee that includes religious and lay professionals from fields of psychology and law enforcement, will advise the Provincial as to whether it deems the claim to be credible, and if credible, will recommend that the Provincial
place the accused on permanent restriction. The decision to place the accused on permanent restriction rests with the Provincial.
Any Salesian placed on either temporary and/or permanent restriction will not be allowed to remain in public ministry.
Because our mission is to educate and provide opportunities for young people, especially the poorest and most at-risk, we prioritize the safety of youth that we minister to and with whom we come in contact. We screen and assess all applicants to the Salesian Society during their candidacy including fingerprinting and social media review. During their pre-novitiate year, a time when a specific program of study is followed before making religious vows, pre-novices also undergo psychosexual testing.
Our formation program fosters healthy development in spiritual life, overall health, and well-being, including psychosexual health. Salesians participate in safe-environment training designed to promote awareness and sensitivity on appropriate boundaries. Continuing education and ongoing training take place during formation and beyond.
The Salesian Society is committed to protecting and promoting the well-being of all individuals. The Salesian Society is accredited by Praesidium, Inc., an organization providing consultation, risk management assessment, policy development, and training materials for use in preventing sexual misconduct and in responding to allegations of sexual misconduct. The Salesian Society is subject to regular reviews by Praesidium’s auditors.